Combating the pandemic—but not at Hong Kong workers’ expense工運圍爐·May 28, 2022The governance of Hong Kong is in shambles, and its citizens and workers bear the brunt of it.Quick ReadTranslation
美國勞工政治與基層工人組織策略Promise Li·January 25, 2022邁向我們解放的道路既不是從選票也不是從子彈開始,而是從日常工人的力量開始。Quick ReadTranslation中文
‘We need to fight them globally and we need to fight them together’—An interview with the App Drivers & Couriers UnionWF and App Drivers and Couriers' Union·December 12, 2021We interviewed the App Drivers & Couriers Union on the transnational nature of exploitation in the gig economy, and our possibilities for solidarity.InterviewQuick Read
Foodpanda strike: Neighborhood groups, translators, YouTubers—in the post-unions era, how do workers organize?陳萃屏 and 何逸蓓·December 1, 2021Stand News interviews South Asian Hong Kong delivery riders on how their labor movement came about.Quick ReadTranslation
What to know about the foodpanda delivery rider strikeLausan Collective·November 16, 2021The demands and grievances of striking foodpanda riders explained, and how to help to campaign to increase their bargaining leverage.Quick Read
Navigating (self)censorship in China’s Feminist and #MeToo movementsXianzi·October 22, 2021Chinese feminist Xianzi on online censorship and the social aspects of self-censorship within feminist circlesQuick ReadTranslation
A crowdsourced spreadsheet is the latest tool in Chinese tech worker organizingJS·October 18, 2021A viral spreadsheet is racking up thousands of entries as workers share their working hours and conditions. Quick Read
It’s time to drop the curtain on Japan’s colonial legacyMeindert Boersma·August 20, 2021A government that refuses to acknowledge its violent history and ongoing legacy of colonial exploitation continually thwarts Indigenous demands.Quick Read
What the Olympic podium means for Hongkonger identityWF·August 6, 2021Despite government repression of fan expressions of sports nationalism, Hongkonger local cultural identity continues to evolve.Quick Read
The periphery has no time for binariesElia J. Ayoub·May 25, 2021We must spend our time building transnational solidarity amongst our communities and diasporas, not engaging solely in 'online discourse.'Quick Read
The mainland Chinese left in the shadow of Hong Kong’s democracy movement樱桃君·May 23, 2021Mainland Chinese leftists must see Hong Kong's democracy movement not as a foreign entity external to themselves but as a mirror for self-reflectionQuick Read
Fighting anti-Asian violence cannot include apologism for the Chinese statePromise Li·April 4, 2021In a globalized system of anti-Asian violence, we cannot compartmentalize anti-racist struggle within national boundaries. Quick Read