Understanding China’s role in American empire reminds us how urgently we must confront the capitalist world system in its entirety.
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While undoubtedly another crushing setback, the redrawn fronts of struggle may yet unearth novel forms of resistance.
A broad terrain of activism exists for Hongkongers to develop new "international lines" to most effectively resist the CCP.
Salman's letter details the plight of asylum seekers caught within the overlapping prison and immigration detention industrial complexes
A new union movement that seeks more than worker rights is emerging. Building deeper solidarity is its next hurdle.
The case for a Hong Kong left internationalism in the wake of the pandemic and Black liberation movement
Challenging the right wing’s cold war agenda means highlighting the Uighur re-education camps’ links to counterterrorism and global capital
The story of an Indonesian migrant worker and refugee in Hong Kong
The US has chosen to prioritize its own interest over those of Hong Kong activists.
Ten years since the Foxconn suicides, Mainland Chinese workers continue to suffer under the company's exploitative practices.
American support for the movements of Taiwan and Hong Kong will only go as far as they are useful for American empire.
The responsibility of Asian Americans in this moment is to revive and continue building the long history of Afro-Asia.