While undoubtedly another crushing setback, the redrawn fronts of struggle may yet unearth novel forms of resistance.
JoinedJune 4, 2020
An interview with editors of Ourself, a new zine by Hong Kong queer students on intersectional queer representations
Singaporean activist Jolovan Wham spoke with us again about grassroots activism in Singapore and beyond
The US has chosen to prioritize its own interest over those of Hong Kong activists.
ICE announced that international students will not be permitted to remain in the US if all their classes in the fall are online, affecting over 1 million international students.
Hong Kong’s rising current of localism is rooted in anti-Chinese and anti-immigrant beliefs. But we must reject such bigoted ideas and remember that Hong Kong’s ongoing movement comes from the same canon of radical resistance as the 1989 Tiananmen Massacre.