We must continue to challenge the use of social movements in China to reinforce the dangerous fiction that the key global struggle today is one between a Western democratic political order against the forces of “communism.”
JoinedAugust 30, 2019
Three Chinese international student workers discuss the setbacks and possibilities of the 2022 UC Strike.
The CCP’s sudden reversal from zero-COVID is an adjustment toward a different logic of state capitalist accumulation in response to market trends.
Celebration of a colonial legacy that is continuous with Hong Kong's repression is anathema to democratic struggle.
Examining the legacies and afterlives of the Baodiao Movement is an important task for activists in the aftermath of the 2019 protests.
Hong Kong teaches us that we need new paradigms for change still grounded in the potential of independent workers’ organizing.
In a globalized system of anti-Asian violence, we cannot compartmentalize anti-racist struggle within national boundaries.
The path to our liberation starts with neither the ballot nor the bullet but the power of everyday workers
Smith’s book outlines an ecosocialism driven by mass movement-building democratically self-organized by the working-class, which is precisely the kind of politics from below that the CCP has been keen to curtail.