Ceding ground to the binary logics of the Cold War redux will only tighten the grip of empire.
Deep Dive
Rejecting both Beijing and Washington is the bare minimum we can do to hold accountable all enablers of US imperialism abroad, especially the Chinese state.
In order to fight a return to Indonesia's neoliberal past, we must continue to build a new internationalism beyond the nation-state.
Singapore must reckon with the centrality of indentured servitude to this “politics of survival” and to transform the conditions of its contemporary workforce.
As global attention shifted elsewhere, one might have assumed that the movement had died a natural death. It did not.
Taiwan and Hong Kong are often thought of as projections of each others' past or future. How can we move beyond this binary framing to open a path for broader transnational political exchange?
The social chaos of state failure during pandemic has created an apt cover for governments to begin consolidating their own power.
In China, the emergence of mutual aid groups in response to the pandemic brings new possibilities, amidst a narrowing space for public participation.
Since the British colonial era, the Hong Kong government's apathetic approach to social welfare has undermined workers' rights.
Filipino workers experience a double precarity under neoliberal austerity and the lingering effects of US militarism at home, while facing abuse as cheap export labor in Hong Kong.
The offer of a potential escape route to BNO holders is a step in the right direction; but without a commitment to granting asylum to Hongkongers, it may fail to reach those most in need of protection.
What does the emergence of graffiti tell us about the tendencies and shortcomings of decentralized struggle in Hong Kong?