Sex worker movements have been at the forefront of resistance against criminalization, police surveillance, and state violence for decades. As the Black liberation struggle forces a global reckoning with the racist and capitalist nature of policing, it has become increasingly urgent to centre the knowledge and experience of sex workers who face multiple intersecting oppressions. Community organizers are increasingly recognizing that the fight for sex worker rights is intimately tied to other emancipatory struggles from migrant justice and anti-gentrification, to anti-racism and LGBTQ rights.
Join Lausan for a webinar on Tuesday 6/23 at 5pm PT/ 8pm ET and 8am HKT Wednesday, 6/24 on a dialogue with organizers on how to connect sex workers’ struggles with other allies in social movements from anti-racist to anti-policing work. The panel will feature organizers from US, Canada, and Hong Kong. While the event is open to public, we strongly encourage activists and organizers who have experience or are interested in centering sex workers’ voices to participate!
Speakers include organizers from:
- Red Canary Song (New York City)
- Midnight Blue (Hong Kong)
- Black Sex Workers Collective
- Butterfly (Toronto)
- Black Youth Project 100 (New York City)