Medical workers have been on the frontlines of the struggle against authoritarian capitalism since the onset of the pandemic. From Hong Kong to the U.S., medical workers organized to hold their governments accountable for the lack of protective equipment and other resources. This crisis dovetails with the U.S. government defunding and privatizing public resources, and the Chinese government’s persistent attacks on Hongkongers’ working conditions and civil autonomy.
Join us for a discussion on worker organizing and social movement building in the medical field and its parallel connections with the Black liberation movement and Hong Kong protests. This webinar is a transnational exchange that brings together workers from the Hospital Employees Alliance in Hong Kong and Registered Nurses based in San Francisco and Chicago.
Speakers include 講者:
- Ivan Law, Hospital Authority Employees’ Alliance (醫管局員工陣線)
- Jennifer Esteen, SEIU Local 1021 (服務業僱員國際工會)
- Winnie Yu, Hospital Authority Employees’ Alliance (醫管局員工陣線)
- Dennis Kosuth, Chicago Teachers Union (芝加哥教師工會) and National Nurses United (全國護士聯合會)
Moderator 主持:
- Gaston, Lausan / DSA member / NAGE-Emergency Medical Services Local 510 (流傘 / 美國民主社會主義者 / 全國政府僱員工會-緊急醫療服務 Local 510)
Join us on June 27, 2020 (Sat) at 7pm (PST)/9pm (CST)/10pm (EST)/June 28, 2020 (Sun) at 10am (HKT).
交流會將於香港時間6月28日,早上10點 / 美國時間6月27日,傍晚7點 (太平洋)、晚上9點 (中部)、晚上10點 (東岸) 舉行。
Sign up below to receive the webinar link and further information:
Frequently Asked Questions
- Will this be recorded? Yes, but the manner and time of distributing the recording will be discussed by panelists after the fact.
- Will there be live captioning? Unfortunately, we were unable to acquire a live captioning service.
- Will there be a transcript of the event? Yes.
- Why are you using Zoom, given its recent politically motivated actions? Given the number of expected attendees and the necessity of live language interpretation (plus the other features of Zoom that prevent ‘Zoombombing’ and other types of webinar harassment), Zoom is our only option for this particular event. We aim to move away from the use of Zoom in future events. We encourage you to take necessary security and privacy steps when attending this event.
- 會否錄影?會!錄影的發佈方式及時間在交流會完結後才落實,細節將由講者自行決定。
- 會否有即時字幕?抱歉,我們未能提供即時字幕。
- 會否有錄影的文字副本?會!
- 幹嘛還用Zoom?Zoom不是說他們願意於執法機關合作嗎?抱歉,因為我們預期會有一定數量的聽眾,以及為某些聽眾提供即時廣東話傳譯的需要,Zoom是惟一一個能夠穩定運作和提供即時傳譯功能的平台。未來我們會另覓其他更安全的平台。我們建議各位聽眾採取保護自己安全的措施。